Bagian apakah yang paling susah saat kamu mengerjakan TOEFL? Kebanyakan orang pasti akan menjawab bagian “structure and written expression”. Bener juga sih, sebagian besar orang bisa ngomong Bahasa Inggris cap-cip-cus tapi agak kagok kalau harus menulis. Apalagi jika dituntut menggunakan structure dan grammar yang benar. Yep, bagian ini memang membutuhkan kejelian dan pengetahuan extra. Bukan semata-mata kita menebak mana yang paling enak untuk dibaca, grammar membutuhkan analisa dari rumus tenses yang sudah dibakukan.
Ada beberapa strategi untuk mempermudahmu dalam
menjawabnya secara tepat pada bagian structure and written expressiom. Strategi
ini meliputi sebagai berikut.
Lihatlah subjek dan kata kerja pada kalimat utama.
Jika tidak ada subjek atau frasa kata kerja yang lengkap, Kamu harus
menemukannya pada pilihan jawaban. Untuk membantu melihat subjek dan kata kerja
utama, sederhanakan kalimat dengan menghilangkan frasa preposisi (preposisi
ditambah artikel (a, an, and, the), kata sifat, atau kata benda.
Tentukan struktur seperti apa yang diperlukan
Baca kalimat untuk melihat apakah kalimat tersebut
masuk akal dan terlihat benar.
Ada lima belas bagian soal grammar dalam
menyempurnakan kalimat, mulai dari noun phrase, word order, conjuction, parallel
coonstruction, clause, comparison, gerund, superlative, conditional, hingga
pronoun. Misalnya, berikut ini contoh penyelesaian dalam bentuk noun phrase
(frasa kita benda).
1. ______________ the economy’s performance,
strengths and weaknesess are the tables, charts, and data published by public
and private agencies.
a. Analyzing
b. The tools for analyzing
c. The analysis of
d. There are tools of
Kata kerja utama dari contoh soal di atas adalah
“are”. Kalimat ini memerlukan frasa kata benda untuk melengkapi subjek. Amati
frasa preposisi “by public and private agencies”. Jawaban tepatnya melalui
kerangka logika (masuk akal) bisa Kamu temukan melalui penentuan sebagai
a. Analyzing the…. are the tables, charts, and
Kata “analyzing” adalah subjek, tapi tidak benar.
b. The tools for analyzing…. are the tables,
charts, and data….
Pilihan jawaban ini benar: tools…. Are … tables,
charts, ….
c. The analysis of …. are the tables, charts, and
Pilihan jawaban ini tidak tepat. An analysis is not
a table. An analysis is performed from table or chart.
d. Penyederhanaan kalimat ini pada pilihan jawaban
ini menunjukkan kalimat tersebut sudah memiliki kata kerja utama sehingga
penggabungan kata benda dan kata kerjanya menjadi tidak tepat.
Now begin work on the example of questions.
Multiple Choice
1. Vegetables are an excellent source
A. have
B. of
C. where
D. contain
The correct answer is : B
2. Microscopes make small things appear larger
than …...
A. really are
B. are really
C. are they really
D. they really are
The correct answer is : D
3. The city of Montreal …… on an island in the
Saint Lawrence River.
A. was built
B. has built
C. that built
D. built
The correct answer is : A
4. A singer's struggle to succeed in
popular music is the kind of story …… a fascinating film could be made.
A. with
B. by
C. for whom
D. about which
The correct answer is : D
5. ...was backed up for miles on the freeway.
A. yesterday
B. in the Morning
C. traffic
D. cars
The correct answer is : C
6. Engineers...for work on the new space
A. necessary
B. are needed
C. hopefully
D. next month
The correct answer is : B
7. The boy...going to the movies
A. he is
B. he always was
C. is relaxing
D. will be
The correct answer is : D
8. My best friend...always helpful with
A. are
B. who
C. was
D. is
The correct answer is : D
9. The customer...paying the clerk for the
A. is
B. want
C. can
D. no
The correct answer is : A
10. Mark Twain...the years after the Civil War
the “Gilded Age.”
A. called
B. calling
C. he called
D. hiscalls
The correct answer is : A
11. I ... ACL at the Gunadarma University.
A. was studying
B. get finish learn
C. with you go to
D. am studying
The correct answer is : D
12. My brother...very smart
A. are
B. is
C. am
The correct answer is : B
13. Those futsal shoes...expensive
A. is
B. am
C. are
D. was
The correct answer is : C
14. The Borobudur temple...Magelang,
A. landmarks
B. is a landmarked in
C. is a landmark in
D. is in a landmark
The correct answer is : C
15. In the past, lions……common in many
parts of the world.
A. were
B. once
C. when
D. only
The correct answer is : A
Writeen Expression
1. Although a
kangaroo (A) normally uses (B) its large feet and
strong legs (C) for hopping, (D) but it can also
The correct answer is : D
2. When a (A)
severe ankle (B) injury forced (C) herself to
give up reporting in 1926, Margaret Mitchell (D) beganwriting her
novel, Gone with the Wind.
The correct answer is : C
3. (A) The pineapple,
a fruit (B) grow in tropical climates (C)
throughout the world, (D) is native to parts of South
The correct answer is : B
4. Canals
are (A) artificial waterways, often constructed (B)
either to transport heavy loads or to (C) delivering water(D)
to cities and farms.
The correct answer is : C
5. Anne
Elizabeth McDowell is (A) best (B) remembered for a (C)
weekly journal, Woman's Advocate, (D) who she
launched in January 1855.
The correct answer is : D
6. A ray of
light passing (A) through (B) the center of a thin
lens (C) keep its (D) original direction.
The correct answer is : C
7. The one-fluid
theory (A) of electricity was (B) proposing by
Benjamin Franklin, a (C) man famous for (D) hiswide
interest and great attainments.
The correct answer is : B
8. Ethnology,
usually considered (A) a branch of cultural anthropology, is
often (B) defined as the (C) scientificallystudy
of the origin and functioning of humans and (D) their culture.
The correct answer is : C
9. Probably
(A) not speech of (B) so few words (C) has ever
been as celebrated (D) as Lincoln’s Gettysburg address.
The correct answer is : A
10. (A) Generally, Abstract
Expressionist art is without recognizable images (B) and does not
(C) adhere the limits of conventional (D) form.
The correct answer is : C
11. Perhaps the most distinctive
(A) features of sharks and (B) undoubtedly one
of the most important (C) reasons for their success is their
well-debeloped (D) sensory system.
The correct answer is : A
12. Almost (A) every the
hereditary (B) material of an (C) individual organism
resides (D) in the
The correct answer is : A
13. The fiction writer, (A)
poetry, and critic Edgar Allan Poe is among the (B) most familiar of
American (C) writersand (D) one of the most
The correct answer is : A
14. (A) In June, 1846, (B)
near Sacramento, California, a (C) number of new
settlers rebelled in the Bear Flag revolt and (D) proclaiming California
an independent republic.
The correct answer is : D
15. Mitosis is the normal process
(A) by which a cell divides, (B) each new
cell (C) ending up with (D) a same number of
chromosomes as the parent cell.
The correct answer is : D
Sumber :
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